Saturday, January 16, 2010

New map, designed by you!

Im thinking of a new idle map, cause some told me that they liked the old one better. Im sure its better but i dont think that people have 5-10 minutes when they are going to idle. So i made a new simple one until 4D get more members that are willing to download new maps from 4D.

1# What should a idle map include?

2# How should the design be like?

3# Trigger-Hurt or not?

4# More?


  1. 1.) In my opinion an idle map MUST have a arena like place. on our first map, there was a way to get into the enemies territory, which was pretty annoying. thats why we could make an um....u start at the idle room, then u can teleport into battle arena or relaxed idle room.

    2.)I'm thinking same as the first one, it has some easter eggz (like the blimp, that was awsome :P)

    3.)i think that Hurt is essential, it updates the idleing so ofcourse thats important

    4.)This site has a total diffrent language i'm thinking Legg Inn Kommenetar means send comment?

  2. Thanks, any ideas for reaster eggs?

  3. obout that in a relaxed idle room, there is a hidden teleporter that teleports u to the enemies relaxed idle room, it's supposed to be a good secret, so um...u crouch, and touch a certian point of the wall to teleport u :)
